The Heavenly Father’s name is YAH. This is an abbreviated form and there are disputes in terms of the fullness of the name. Some may pronounce the name YAHWEH, others teach that it is YAHAUAH. Psalms 68:4. In the Tanakh, YHVH (יהוה) is the personal name of God and his most frequent designation.
We hold a monotheistic view. YAH is ONE. Deuteronomy 6:4
Man was made to keep the instructions (laws and commandments) of YAH. These instructions have not been abrogated or done away with. Ecclesiastes 12:13 and Matthew 5:18, Psalm 19:7
We believe the true ancient Israelites were scattered, enslaved, and removed from their original habitation and have been under a systematic set of curses, due to their disobedience to the covenant. Deuteronomy 28, Isaiah 11:12 and Ezekiel 39:27
We believe there have been (Messiahs), plural (sent from the Father) in the scripture to deliver, lead and bring Israel back to the Father. We believe in the future Messiah who was and is to come and that He will lead the children of Israel out of captivity and consummate a new systematic righteous kingdom on this earth. Revelation 20:4, Micah 2:13 and Isaiah 9:6.
We believe the covenant and salvation to be for the Israelites. Exodus 19
We believe the Sabbath day should be honored and kept even in this modern day. Exodus 20:8-11
a. We do not believe Saturday or Sunday to be the original sabbath. These are modern day pagan names that were invented and not from the Creator. The Creator’s time was set according to Genesis 1:14 and not a calendar made in 1582.
b. We believe Biblical Holy days should be practiced and memorialized. Exodus 34:22, Act 2:1-13
c. We believe all forms of pagan holidays should not be celebrated or recognized. Jeremiah 10 -
We believe the ancient Israelites were required to be holy and had a special diet and this prescription for the consummation of food should be kept today. Leviticus 11, Isaiah 66:17
We believe יהוה ordained the Man to be the leader and priest of his home and that the woman is subordinate to the man. I Timothy 2:13, Genesis 2:16-17, I Corinthians 11:3
We believe biblical marriage to be exclusively between a Man and (the Woman who has never previously consummated or been in covenant with a man). We believe if a woman’s husband should die, she is no longer bound to the covenant of that man and may marry or consummate with another man. Historically, a man in Hebrew culture could marry or consummate with more than one woman. Deuteronomy 21:15-23, Exodus 22:16, Genesis 2:24, I Corinthians 7:39, Genesis 24:67
We believe the sexually immoral will be judged and that all forms of unlawful sex are abominations to יהוה. Leviticus 18, I Corinthians 6:9-20
We believe Israelites are to be set apart in righteousness and should strive to come out of the customs of heathens. Leviticus 20:7 and 1 Peter 1:15-16
We accept the systematic practice of water baptism and the washing of the word. Acts 2:38, Ephesians 5;26-27
We believe repentance and forgiveness of one’s sins to be essential to be a part of the 1st resurrection. Revelation 20:4, Acts 3:19
We believe due to the increase in sinfulness and lawlessness of the world, only a remnant of Israel will be cleansed and saved. Romans 9:27, Zechariah 13:8